You win some, You lose some

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sin and Aspartame

Probably one of my biggest flaws is my dependency on Diet Coke, and Chai Tea Lattes from (preferably) Lollicup, but Starbucks has been my go-to lately because of its more convenient location. But forget the Chai addiction, I want to talk about the Diet Coke one. Because no one can be blamed for loving Chai Tea Lattes, they are like sweet nectar to my lips.

It’s not really that I have anything against Diet Coke, except that I should. There have been countless amounts of research done on the effects of aspartame (sweetener of Diet Coke) on the human body. And from what I can tell, it is 100% bad for you. Like no doubt about it. No one seems to be arguing that point. It leads to all kinds of stuff like cancer, depression, diabetes, and other big words and serious diseases. I mean methanol (READ: actual poison) makes up like 10% of aspartame. Not to mention it has like literally negative nutritional value. Conclusion: Diet Coke should not be consumed by humans.

So essentially, every time I consume a diet coke I am putting poison into my body. And what’s crazy is that knowingly, I just finished off a 12oz Diet Coke. That’s right people, I poison myself on a daily basis, sometimes twice a day. I get cravings for Diet Coke that almost take over my whole body and I give in probably taking minutes off of my life with every sip. What’s shocking is that I don’t really care. Because if I really cared, I would stop. Should I be committed to a facility? Perhaps.

Anyways so it has come to my attention that sin is like Diet Coke. Classic metaphor. There are things and parts of my life that if “consumed” or engaged in will 100% destroy me bit by bit. And yet, I find myself running to them over and over again until I actually feel sick. I cling to the sin in my life because its familiar and comfortable, and let it slowly strangle the life out of me. It tastes great, smells great, but it is lethal…and my head KNOWS it is destructive. I need counseling.

First of all, clearly this shows that I am weaker than weak. No will-power whatsoever. I am completely captive to my emotions and cravings. Which is ridiculous.

That moment of craving defines Christianity today.

We want a quick fix. We want to substitute what is best for us with something that is immediately more satisfying. I mean let’s be real. Diet Coke=poison. Diet Coke < Water. Which is scary because there is no limit to what I will turn to when I am sad, angry, or alone, etc. Things even more devastating to my well being than Diet Coke.

And so I clearly cannot save myself. It really says something when I cannot even conjure up the will-power to abstain from drinking poison, much less save myself from sin and change the heart disease that makes me indulge in what hurts me. So, that brings me once again to my knees and desperate for a Savior who will pick me up and begin the painful process of detoxing. And detoxes suck, if you have ever done one. It’s not comfortable or easy, but in the end it will save my life.

So hopefully next time I get bored, unhappy, frustrated, I will not drink a Diet Coke. But since I am a real wack job, its unlikely. Therefore when it comes to the sin that is worse than aspartame, I will look pleadingly towards my God who is stronger than any urge. Because we don’t serve a God who likes us, we serve a God who longs for us. Who relentlessly pursues us regardless of our wimpy will-powers. And that knowledge is enough to silence my craving for Diet Coke.

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