You win some, You lose some

Monday, March 21, 2011

The big 2-0!

Well my littlest sister has spent the last week living alongside me here in the great state of Colorado. And today happens to be a special day for both of us. For her, because its the day that marks the first day of her life, the exit from our mother's womb, and this is the 20th anniversary of that date. And for me, said date also marks the day I welcomed a littlest sister and best friend into the world. (SHOUT OUT) This calls for a celebration.

Aforementioned celebration started this morning at 6:30AM when we both slept through our alarms. She will claim that she was awake, but I have a hard time believing that. Anyways, both of us prideful decided to wait for the other to say the word and get out of our cozy warm beds while it was still dark. Nobody folded until about 7:40AM. So with a late start, we suited up and headed for the mountains for another day of snowboarding. I made her listen to my music all the way there obviously and it was bliss. I am on a MGMT pandora station kick which includes but is not limited to Phoenix, Passion Pit, Vampire Weekend, Edward Sharpe, and Griffin House.

About 40 minutes into the drive, we realized that we were out of gas. We ran out of gas completely in Loveland, Colorado. Happy birday Britter! Please call Allstate to come help us. Anyways the parking guys at Loveland said that we wouldnt have trouble coasting into Silverthorne, since it was all down hill. Silverthorne was 12-13 miles away on an estimate. But you know was Brit's birthday and I thought, "Well God is clearly bigger than gas tanks." We prayed and started coasting.

Im happy to report that God IS bigger than gas tanks and we made it to Silverthorne's sketchiest gas station just in time to pee our pants. We coasted on 0 miles until empty for, 15 minutes. But even if we would have gotten stranded on the side of the road, I would have still believed that God is bigger than gas tanks. I would have assumed he was just letting me deal with the consequences of not checking the gas meter until we were on empty. Oops, rookie mistake.

Anyways Breckinridge's icy slopes met with Brit's hind parts real fast a few times right off the bat. But what better way to turn 20 then to fall relentlessly down a mountain packed with ice? She loves me....and she LOVES those S turns.

However, I had already bought her a red velvet whoopie cookie that morning, so I mean, its not like she could be mad at me.

In conclusion I'd like to think that it was a memorable birthday for my littlest sister and it will be a hard one to forget seeing that she probably has permanent damage on her left hip, and a bruise the size of Texas. But heres to the end of your teens and the beginning of a new decade! Welcome to your twenties, B!

Lets all take a second and congratulate Brit not only on turning the big 2-0, but also for making it out alive from the death trap that I may or may not have set her in today. You are the best sister ever, and I couldnt love you any more.


I wish you would never leave.

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