You win some, You lose some

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Day 9

November 9: Gchat
I hate to do another technology post but g-chat saved my life on November 9. So therefore I am extremely thankful for it, and for Bethany who made it possible and affirmed me from her office in South Denver. So whatever, technology is a miracle.

This day was a rough day to begin with seeing that my alarm went off about 2 hours earlier than normal. This inevitably lead to eating about 16 helpings of sweet potato casserole at the office lunch and learn, and putting BOTH headphones in my ears so that Bon Iver could help to lower my stress level.

I had two huge deadlines at work on November 9, both of which were impossible to accomplish. So in order to tackle this feat without having a massive breakdown at my workplace, I g-chatted with Bethany about how cruel life/ full time jobs can often be. Am I shallow? Yes. Did being shallow and whining about having too much responsibility make me feel any better? YES. Yes, it did. And lucky for my co-workers and clients, I am a magician/wizard and finished both projects just in time to have an anxiety attack and treat myself to dark chocolate covered almonds while staring blankly at the freshly bound design books as they were being put into FedEx boxes. Then I turned and just walked out. Lorrie had made 3 different desserts when I got home, so needless to say the day just got better after that.

G-chat is the best because it takes you back to the good old days when everyone was on AOL/AIM. Remember that? That was routine…around 7PM, 13 year old me started popping my knuckles and gearing up for a night of conversations with 47 different people simultaneously. Everything I know about multi-tasking came from multiple chats with all my middle school friends and juggling between infinite conversations. The most important of which - the love of my 6th grade heart, Andbeckers - who’s screen name would make a special sound whenever he got online. That’s when I knew it was game time. Let’s do this! Chatroom here I come. I should have just put on some eye black and blared “Eye of the Tiger.” Maybe I did.

Nowadays, g-chat prevents you from creating lame screen names like “allypoo11” or “heretocheer314” or “twetty2888”….AND are you wondering whether twetty was supposed to be spelled tweety? Yes it was, but that screen name was already taken and therefore twetty it was. (AHEM, BEEF) I think my favorite of all was Katharine’s “pinballwizard31” or something. I am not sure of the numbers. Regardless, that was hysterical. Best screen name award goes to her.

Anyways g-chat accomplished the goal of taking my mind off of stress and also serving to provide entertainment for me all day long. I love g-chat (especially during work) and it has absolutely been the catalyst to getting me through the last couple days. And who isn’t funnier behind a computer screen? My wit increases significantly. So whatever, I am thankful for g-chat.

Best g-chat quote of the day: “No seriously, you looked really good last night. When you walked in I was like ‘crap, I should have tried harder’.” –Bethany Brueggen

….if you want to g-chat me….my name is allyrice12 but when we chat it will just read “Ally”. And just FYI, I am pretty near always up for a good g-chat.

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