You win some, You lose some

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thankful Day 16

November 16: Scarves
So as you know, I live in Colorado. And Colorado, as I mentioned yesterday, did not get the memo about my extreme dislike of being cold/shivering/freezing. I love the idea of snow, but I think it should be about 50 outside when the snow is falling. That would be preferable to below 20.

Anyways, so yesterday afternoon, I was finishing up for the day at my full time job that I don’t hate, and going over my latest design proposal with my boss who is adorably 5 months pregnant. (Since you were wondering, she is having a baby girl, and I might be more excited than she is.) Our conversation went something like this:

Boss: Well, Ally, this looks good. I think you are getting really close to being finished. (which was weird….I thought I WAS finished…?)

Ally: Thanks. Well, I think I am going to go ahead and head out.

Then she said: “Okay, I won’t be here tomorrow, but I heard it’s supposed to snow so stay warm!”

What I heard was: “Hey, I am not going to be here tomorrow, you should also not come in because it’s going to snow and that’s miserable. Just stay home instead and drink lattes and watch movies all day. PS. You look really skinny today and your hair is amazing.”

So, you can imagine the rage that I felt this morning when I saw little white flakes falling from the sky and realized that I still had to drive to my job. Luckily, it wasn’t a blizzard, but 18 degrees is freakin’ cold regardless of precipitation. This brings me to my point: scarves. THANK GOD FOR THEM.

My fabulous and ridiculously cute Aunt (READ: second mom) Trudy makes AWESOME scarves. So just get ready because I will be shamelessly promoting her online store/blog right when it is up and running - which should be sometime next week. Anyways, she made me a purple infinity scarf that I wear on a daily basis. It is my favorite. It is the warmest scarf that I own and EASILY the cutest. She is very talented, and her life’s story of being “shaken, but not destroyed” is one that will bring you directly to the foot of the cross, facing the Lord that is her strength. She makes all kinds of knitted masterpieces including her latest phenomenon: doggie scarves!! Have I told you our family has FIVE weenie dogs? FIVE. (Animal hoarders) Pictured here are: 1.) Bethany wearing her infinity scarf 2.) Our oldest weenie, Oreo, wearing her new doggie scarf, and 3.) The favored pup, Kipper, wearing his SWEATER!

Anyways scarves are my favorite winter accessory. Easy. I think they are marvelous and adorable. And practical. I think they make every outfit look better, and I plan to wear one every day of the winter season.

So thanks to the ridiculously cold weather that serves as my real life right now, I am beyond thankful for scarves.

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