You win some, You lose some

Thursday, January 20, 2011

On Edge

It’s weird that I am experiencing writer’s block because I feel like there is a lot I want to say. Frankly I am really pleased with how deep this blog has been thus far, but at the same time I don’t want this thing acting as my diary, although lets be honest...the blog world is the diary of the 21st century. But I don’t feel like that really represents my whole self. Here’s to switching things up from time to time. Now that we have cleared that up, moving on.

FIRST TO BE ADDRESSED: this is my 3rd blog post in three days. I deserve a blogging trophy, gold medal, certificate, or at the very least a high five from all around. I mean…talk about accomplishment. I guess that comes with being unemployed and having nothing to do besides coffee shop exploring. (More on that later.)

I am not exaggerating when I say that I have been an emotional basketcase trying to figure out what in the free world I am supposed to do with my life now that I am a Coloradian (?)…(see: Colorado permanent resident). So I have this big interview for this fancy schmancy job tomorrow, and it makes me a little vulnerable to even put that out there on the WWW because there is a very high percentage chance that I will not get this job. Its not exactly an entry level position, and I am obviously the most entry level applicant that you can possibly get. The job position requirements say that you need a minimum of at least 2 years experience in the field, and since I have zero years I am pretty much completely riding on my personality and charm.

But here’s to trying, and here’s to therapy when I end up not getting it. I will tell you one thing, I am avoiding and steering clear of counseling at all cost, because lets be real—we all know how that turned out last time. And if you don’t know how that turned out last time…well it’s a tragic story for another day.

So like I said, here’s to trying. And "Why not...why not take a crazy chance? Why not do a crazy dance?" -Hillary Duff. And a crazy dance is EXACTLY what I will be doing if it so happens that they give me this job. On the chance that that does not happen, I feel confident in the support system that I have in place when/if they tell me that I am under-qualified for the position, which I am. (I have, however, scripted a rebuttal argument that I am not afraid to use.) So I will keep you guys posted as far as that goes.

INSERT: If AT&T drops another call…I am going to lose my shiz. And if skype doesnt let me talk to my best frans that live across the country I am going to throw my computer across the room. I am on edge, technology. Please respect that.

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