You win some, You lose some

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

YWAM Update #1

Day 3 of YWAM has come and gone! Weird. I feel both like I just got here, and like I have been here forever. More like I have been here forever though. The feeling of being alone in a crowd is finally starting to wear off as I am getting to know my new little family. Things are going really good here and God is teaching me so much about my rebellious heart. I have a PHENOMENAL small group that I am so blessed to get to spend quality time with for the next 6 months!

It consists of 1. Hannah: the Michigan native who I explained to my sister as being a very mellowed down version of me, add Savannah. They have alot in common which makes me a little sad, and when I say a little, I mean alot. She is even a vegetarian, I mean come on. Anyways Hannah and I have quite a bit in common and have used the buddy system since about hour #1 of this whole experience.

2. Sarah from Australia. She has the BEST accent and is maybe one of the coolest girls with the coolest stories. It is her first time in the states so she is just super pumped to see everything and takes lots of pictures of everyone. She's currently trying to teach me to speak in her dialect, and I am teaching her some Texas twang. We both sound like idiots trying to mimmick the other. She is precious though and I cannot wait to get to know her heart. She also tends to pose like Japanese tourists, it was just precious...we now all are adopting that into all future pictures.

3. Kelsea from Iowa, who I do not currently have a picture of. From having had maybe 2 conversations with Kelsea I know for a fact that she is legit and extremely mature in her faith, I already look up to her. She seems very wise just from knowing her for 2 days. I am really excited about that because I think shes going to push me alot, and that is what I need. Our small group leader is named Ilsa. That is pronounced "ill-sa" and she is a veteran here at YWAM, who is great!

Tonight we all went to see Eclipse which ROCKED, and tomorrow we are supposed to go to this place called the Jump Jump? Its a huge gym filled with trampolines, both as the floor and the walls and you just bounce around and flip back and forth from wall to wall and across the whole gym. THAT IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!

Today it was really obvious that God was teaching me to obey him in the small things. It came up time and time again, and to surrender completely EVERYTHING to Him. I have such a rebellious heart and I so often want to hold something other than God as ultimate. My flesh is stupid. Anyways we had an hour long worship service this morning that was extremely powerful and I just really am finding out so much about myself. More updates on that when I sort it all out in my head, which I havent had time to do yet. One guy named George gave his testimony which started with how he was a hippie in the 60's and dealt drugs. He told us that he LIVED IN A TREE in a village of tree dwellers for something around 2 years to escape being in the military during Vietnam. I was just so intrigued. He then went on to tell us how God saved him, and then had a REALLY cool story where his roommates got arrested in a drug bust, and all the while he was just sitting on the couch with his bible. It was like the police men didnt even see him and in the police report there was never a mention of his presence. God told him that He had blinded the eyes of the policemen to his presence in order to protect him, and then asked him to leave the house and not return. It was the most radical story. Literally God blinded the eyes of people so that they could not see him to arrest him, how cool is that??!

Things are really liberal here overall, and it is going to take some getting used to coming from my Christian bubble of conservative Baptists. Its a whole different type of worship than I have ever experienced. Its really extreme and to be honest, I like it. Its real. Nobody is fake here and nobody is trying to pretend to be something that they are not. We are all allowed to worship in our own ways. The spirit of God is just very palpable, and I am anxious to see what he teaches me throughout the entire experience. But I often catch myself just people watching. Its interesting to me all the different ways there is to worship ONE King.

Anyways, on a more serious note, I am really fighting God on one area of my life, which He has very much convicted me about. I dont want to go into much detail right now because I am exhausted and its bedtime, but please be praying that I would have an obedient heart, even in the small things. That I would trust that he has my absolute best in mind when asking me to give up places of comfort. He is sovereign.

Here is a fun picture to conclude. We visited the Red Rocks Amphitheatre yesterday and it was so much fun! This is our failed attempt at a jumping picture, but I posted it because I am really high. HA, typical? We have some better ones where Hannah is actually off the ground...she defends herself by saying that more than one person was counting. Also I might add that I really miss my bests, in a completely valid way. I have talked to them on the phone whenever I have chances to call but I just really miss my core 4 girls. I am so extremely thankful for the new friends that God is blessing me with but that doesn't make any difference in how much I miss them. And of course I really miss my family and sister. She needs to be closer to me at all times. I just wish I could get a good cuddle from someone who really knows me right now. Haha, the majority of my bests would refuse to cuddle anyways even if they were here so thats clearly just wishful thinking. Anyways, more updates to come ASAP! God is so very good.

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