You win some, You lose some

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Good Life

Life has been a box of freakin’ chocolates lately, and ‘I’m loving it’. (Trademark: McDonalds) Yeah I just quoted McDonalds. I’M VULNERABLE. And as of just now, embarrassed.

Let’s start again.

The other day, I was looking for easy ways to be happier. Simple changes. Things that don’t require a prescription. I found quite a few. Apparently, little things like making your bed every morning or watching less TV can boost happiness. But I wanted something I might actually try.

OKAY, one more time.

The past few weeks have made me realize why I love Colorado and my friends and life here. The only exception is that Lee is avoiding me/us. We haven’t seen him in like…4 days. He probably has some crap excuse like he was “hanging out with his friend that he only sees once every 2 years” but I’m not buying it. Lee is a pathological liar. Everyone else (completely excluding Lee) has been totally cool.

Take Sunday for instance. It rained. Rainy, cold Sundays are for crafting and baking.

…That might have been the most blatant lie I have ever posted on this blog.

Rainy, cold Sundays are actually for watching TV shows and movies between naps, pleased to finally have an excuse not to leave the house. This Sunday was no different except that we had to add in a trip to the airport to pick Lindsay up from her last minute Texas wedding extravaganza. (An event that I am still quite offended that I was not invited to, regardless of the fact that I don’t remember the names of the newly wedded couple who I have never met.)

Also, Karla basically cut her finger off while preparing lunch.

That’s an exaggeration, but she did stab herself THROUGH the skin of an avocado and we had to take her to the ER. And by ER, I mean a crying Karla and I sat in the living room as I held back vomit and bandaged her finger and then wrapped it in a paper towel. I was the only person at home so I really had to step up. I totally nailed it. The whole thing ended up being a pivotal moment in my life because for the first time, I became acutely aware that when my future children have bloody injuries - I actually do have the capacity to not demand that they stay away from me in fear of my impending nausea.

Thankfully, Rebecca got home soon after to completely dismantle my paper towel splint and put something on there that might actually work. Conclusion: Rebecca is the best during emergencies.

Besides that, it was a typical rainy Sunday. We watched ‘Crazy Stupid Love’ and ate Tokyo Joe’s while lounging on the couch. I napped somewhere in there. And that’s basically it. Call me crazy (most people that know me would) but that is my definition of a great day.

Some important things to note:

I saw The Avengers. And since we all know that the only thing I love more than TV is the movies, I loved it. Mostly because of Robert Downey Jr. I am totally in love with him.

LEE CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL (3 first names) HAS A BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND!! I won’t mention his age because I have kind of taken the age jokes over the top as of lately. But old is old. Ah hell with it, he is drawing really close to AARP and I googled “gifts for elderly people” trying to brainstorm ideas. Come May 19, please send him text messages, but please do not get angry with him if he is slow to respond. This kind of technology is all really new to him, and it’s likely that his vision is failing.

I am listening to country music in preparation for my upcoming (hallelujah) TEXAS VACATION.

The State Track Meet is this weekend. GO VALOR!

**Lindsay Behnke is a volunteer for a refugee camp and is hosting a “Photographic Storytelling project by refugee women in Denver.” If you live in Denver, you totally need to check it out. Website here: You should be most excited for the ethnic dances. From what I hear, Lindsay will be dressed in traditional Bhutanese garb showcasing American ethnic dance moves (pop, lock, drop / stanky leg). COME!

I started running again. It sucks the same amount! Nothing has changed!

Okay that’s really all I have. I cannot think of a single other thing to list. See you guys on the flipside.

***BREAKING***: Lee Michael just used the term “sumbitch” as in: the southern slang for “son of a bitch” while texting me. And with that, I must admit…Lee—I miss you.

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