You win some, You lose some

Sunday, May 8, 2011

23 Reasons to love Betsy

Here are 23 Reasons to love and be thankful for Betsy (AKA my mom):

1. She loves me, Brit, and Carson more than anyone else in the world.
2. She laughs at my jokes…even when they aren’t funny, but more often when she doesn’t get them.
3. She still cries whenever we talk about losing the High School Volleyball State Championship…not because she gives a crap about the State Championship, but because she remembers how much it devastated me, and she empathizes sometimes a little too well.
4. She wore KEDS until about 3 years ago.
5. She will pat you relentlessly…but attempts to refrain from making red marks on her daughters’ legs, arms, backs because she knows it infuriates them. And she loves us enough to not pat. That’s SAYIN' something.
6. She always talks in a happy voice. Unless you say something mean to a sibling and then you get ‘The Look’.
7. She is the most selfless person alive.
8. She gave me the genetic gift of never being on time, and flying by the seat of my pants.
9. She gave me the genetic gift of being nice to others and genuinely caring about them.
10. She still loves Winnie the Pooh. Like REALLY loves him.
11. She cries anytime the Texas A&M Fight song plays.
12. Her favorite movie is likely Finding Nemo.
13. She’s beautiful—especially in that Glamour shot from before I was born, right mom?
14. She wants everyone to be happy….and for everyone to have the same amount of happiness—even steven.
15. She sends me CD’s with the lyrics to Mark Harris “Find your Wings” and makes me listen to it in my dorm room as she talks me through why the lyrics apply to us. I must get my love for lyrics from her.
16. She is funny…mostly when she doesn’t know it.
17. She always keeps her nails long, and she likes them painted. She keeps dirt out from under those suckers too, even if she has to flick all day long. We do not share this quality.
18. She can ROCK some gaudy jewelry from Dressin' Gaudy.
19. She prefers polka dots to anything else.
20. She sometimes drops a cuss word (hesitantly) and it has really been a bonding factor in the last few years. *The first time I ever heard her say a cuss word was when I disobeyed her on a stressful morning the day of my 6th grade Bon Voyage party. I spilled something in the car, (after she had asked me to hold it-I sat it down) and she said damnit. I cried when I got out of the car and called my Grandmother to see if she was even going to come to my party. She came. And hugged me a lot. And wasn’t even mad at me. I was relieved.
21. She would do anything in her power to make me happy.
22. She loves the people around her like Christ calls us to love them.
23. She is the best mommy in the whole world, and I feel so blessed to call her mine. Not like anyone could deny it anyways…we look identical.

Pictured above is my other mother, my aunt Trudy who I love dearly. They are both rockin' some hair glitter in this pic haha, and matching scarves!

Happy Mother’s Day!

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