You win some, You lose some

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pa Los Ninos

PUPPETS!!! Song is completely in Spanish...we have to learn it so we can dance and play with the kiddos in Panama and Costa Rica while the puppets are dancing too. We translated the lyrics of the song and here is our best attempt at what is being said:

"This one's for the children worldwide, to know they are special. This is for the children that God wants so much because He made each one special. So move it forward, and back! Turn it right around, everybody jump up! Bark like a dog, now meow like a cat! God made children and God made animals special!"

How precious is that? I cannot wait to dance my self to death with some little Latin American babes and just love on them for 2.5 months straight. 15 days and counting!

1 comment:

brown eyed blogg said...

ally! im so excited for what you are doing! please keep your blog updated! what a cool experience!

ali blagg deal :)