You win some, You lose some

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

As of lately

This past weekend was one of the greatest I have had in a while. My little broskies, Roman and Carson made their Colorado debut, arriving last Wednesday and rocking out in Colorado for 5 consecutive days. It was epic to have them here and I didn’t want to ever put them back on a plane to Texas. They are crazy stupid and I love those boys with my whole heart all the way down to their toes…even if they are just complete wack jobs. They take after their big sister.

Here is a video documentation of their trip:
Roman & Carson’s Colorado Adventure

Also included via video in a perpetual “waving scene” is my Denver based friend Bethany, a fellow wanderlust who didn’t come from anywhere specifically but has lived as a nomad her whole life. She is pretty and funny and wise beyond her years and I think she is just the bees knees as a buddy. She is the perfect road trip partner. I am just giddy with love for the God who ordained our friendship. Still loving every day of my time here in this mountainous, breezy, sunny wonderland.

I realize that I have been majorly slacking in the blog world, and to my 4 readers – I sincerely apologize. I have started writing a book and it would be a real waste to post that material on the InternetS if I plan on ever being published. So that, and the fact that about 50% of my best friends are only reachable via email – both have been reasons for my spare time to be used in one of those two categories.

I have been doing quite a bit of reading lately…which is so that I dont adopt cats or something because regardless of the fact that I am only 23, I feel like it is quite possible that I could be headed in the direction of crazy cat lady. Speaking of animals, my heart still longs for Moose…the puppy that I mentioned a few posts earlier.

I ran over a squirrel a couple days ago and I have not been able to sleep well since. It haunts me. Which leads me to the belief that Casey Anthony is a monster.

I am just entirely too ready for all of my regular shows to come back on. It has been a fun summer of being outdoors and eliminating TV from my nightlife, but I am ready to lay on a couch and laugh at childish ridiculous TV shows once again. Don’t judge me.

Speaking of ridiculous…Texas A&M, my beloved alma mater, is thinking of SECeding from the Big 12 and joining the SEC football league, to which I have responded W.T.F. are we thinking?!! As if we don’t lose enough games in the Big 12, now we want to face Alabama, Florida, and Georgia?? Clearly some of our leadership has been drinking too much looney juice because like a humor mentor commented on #thetwitter, “having A&M in the SEC would be like having Snooki in the Nativity Scene…just doesn’t fit.” AMEN sister. Amen.

Well. I prolly should actually do something productive. Until next time!

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