You win some, You lose some

Monday, September 12, 2011

Autumn Thoughts

There are a few things happening in the world around me that make me want to jump up and down and squeal like a little girl. In no particular order, these things include, but are not limited to the following:

1. The return of FOOTBALL SEASON! Finally. The sport to trump all other sports is back in action and I am going to enjoy every second of it. I might even attend a football game to watch a team I don’t have any connection with here in Colorado. Even better, I already have a trip planned to College Station to tailgate and love on my sister and WHOOP and wear maroon, and pretend that I am never going to grow up. Oh how excited I am!!
2. TEXAS reunion! As I said, I am planning a trip down deep in the heart of Texas and so many loved friends are going to meet me there. First and foremost, I am going to spend all day every day with my precious littlest sister who refuses to keep in touch with me, and her best buddies including the infamous Sydney Shrum. I am keeping my fingers crossed to see Rita and Lauren and praying that Megan can take a trip to watch the Baylor/A&M game. And if it’s not the icing on the cake, I am bringing Denver’s finest wing-man, Bethany Brueggen (Briggs) for her first ever trip to the Lone Star State. She has no idea what she’s in for.

3. PLANS PLANS and MORE PLANS! I have a lot of plans for the next 2 years of my life and I am so overwhelmingly excited about all of the things God is doing in and through me here in Denver. Briggs and I sat in a coffee shop yesterday for hours, sipping pumpkin spice and cinnamon dolce lattes, and mapped out ideas and plans and goals and man oh man am I excited!!! God is so much more creative than I ever could be, and I just marvel at what big ideas He has.

4. LOVE is in the air! Something about crisp mornings makes me want to fall in love. And therefore I am falling in love with as many things and as many people as I can on this adventure that God has blessed me with in Colorado. And it gives me butterflies.

5. Speaking of PUMPKIN SPICE. It’s OH SO GOOD. And I feel so very quaint while drinking it on a Sunday afternoon.6. BEEF’s BACHELORETTE PARTY. I spent last weekend in Galveston, Texas with Beef and Cara and the rest of Beef’s bridal shower and it was just the best. We laughed so hard and played all weekend and made some unforgettable memories. Frankly, it was really difficult for me to get back on the plane (as always) flying far away from my childhood buddies. There is something about being with people who have known you since you had braces, glasses, a slicked back pony tail with glitter eye shadow, and Doc Martins on your feet. If you can find people who will love you through that, you know you have made lifelong friends. I am so excited to stand up next to her on New Years’ Eve. You can watch the documentary here: Beef's Beach B'IA'CH party!

7. SEASONAL MUSIC. What? You don’t listen to music seasonally? You don’t think Fleet Foxes sound better in the autumn? You don’t think that Bon Iver needs to be played in cold weather? That’s all good and well, but I like my music to act as a soundtrack to my life, and Ray LaMontagne sounds better by a fire.

8. LEAVES! Colorful leaves anyone? Colorado aspens? It’s absolutely breathtaking.9. The return of K-LIFE! Kanakuk Denver ministry starts up again tonight! If only Blair Whitley were going to be there, it would be perfect!

10. BETSY,TRUDY, and KABE come to COLORADO! That’s right, my mom and aunt are facing their fear of riding on an airplane to fly all the way to Denver to spend the weekend with me! Kaleb is coming too, so as to complete the trio and we are going to spend the whole weekend laughing and I plan on convincing each of them why they should move to Colorado. I can’t wait for them to see where I have been living my life for the last year.

On the dreary contrary--I do have a few things to mourn over, and that is saying something given my almost constantly happy demeanor, as aforementioned. I sometimes sing while I walk, and I dance by myself pretty frequently. Life, in the overall sense, is absolutely fabulous in my world. With that being said, here are the things that are currently mortifying me:

1. The end of summer. Yes, autumn is my favorite of all seasons…(‘fall’ is so much less trendy than ‘autumn’), and yes the return of pumpkin spice lattes makes me giddy all over, but there is something about the passing of summer that sends a dagger straight through my heart. I am fighting it by staying up late (as if I had an actual summer with time off) and eating a lot of popsicles. I never want my weekends in the park to end.

2. The impending SECession of Texas A&M. The Aggies, my dear sweet alma mater, is about to give me a panic attack with their bright idea to SECede, therefore imploding the Big12 from within. Now, I love football season through and through, but I also highly value winning. And hopping into a pool with Alabama and Georgia and Florida seems to be heading in the opposite direction of victory. Why would we leave a conference that we can always claim at least one win over Baylor?! I live for that game, Texas A&M!! Why would you try and take that from me?! Why would you strip me of the glory of sending my tiny long lost friend Megan a snood text with GIG ‘EM AGS in all CAPS!? Oh you frustrate me so!

3. The departure of ALYSSA RAINBOLT. She’s gone. She packed her bags and she left. I am so excited for her World Race journey, but I am so devastated at the lack of her presence in my life over the next year. Dearest bolt, you are loved, missed, and drenched in prayer.

4. The coffee that tastes like TAR. My office has many good things to offer, however one of them is not the coffee. For some reason, the coffee in my office tastes like we blended up some asphalt and are consuming it in liquid form. I could really go for some Starbucks each morning, but seeing that Starbucks is $3 per cup and Office Coffee is $0 per cup….I will drink tar in the mornings. And distort my face a lot so as to show my extreme disapproval. I am hoping our Office Manager, Susan, will take note. I plan to make more extreme faces whenever she is looking.

5. The extreme lack of BECCA FEAGIN. Becks is traveling around the world loving people and learning lots…however, she has left me here without her. I am over it. As happy as I am for her, I am extremely ready for her trip back to the US of A in December. As a matter of fact, I am counting down the days.

Well that’s the update! Here’s to Autumn and here’s to life being so so very good! Oh praise Him who orchestrates so much joy in my life.

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